Monday, March 26, 2012

Nasa Making Chemtrails?

There has been a lot of controversy about toxic chemtrails being sprayed from military jets. These chemtrails are sprayed into the upper atmosphere by military airplanes, and the trails left by these airplanes do not dissipate like the normal jet contrails. No, these chemtrails are completely different. They remain in the sky, and eventually spread out to form a haze or weird cloud formations. Leaving trails at low altitudes, spray lines creating X's, S's and parallel lines, lines that slowly spread to create a canopy of haze, and reports of unusual smells, tastes, and even illness related to the trails. The problem with these chemtrails is that they are a cocktail of aluminum, barium, sulfur-dioxide, and other fine particles that can make you extremely sick. These chemical trails can cause heart attack, stroke, cancer, dementia, and just about any kind of disease you can think of. The chemicals fall to earth and get into our reservoirs, irrigation systems, and into our drinking water. They settle onto our crops, forests, pastures and damage them as well.

Well NASA is gearing up to launch five sounding rockets into space and the rockets will be measuring 200–300 mile-per-hour winds as they race through the upper atmosphere jet stream at the edge of space for between eight to 10 minutes. The mission is known as ATREX (Anonymous Transport Rocket Experiment).The rockets will release a chemical tracer into the air. This substance is called trimethyl aluminum. NASA said the chemical forms milky, white clouds that allow people on the ground to "see" the winds in space and track them with cameras. This substance will be released in space out over the Atlantic Ocean at altitudes from 50 to 90 miles. NASA said the cloud tracers will last for up to 20 minutes and will be visible in the mid-Atlantic region, and along the east coast of the US from parts of South Carolina to New Jersey.

So what is NASA hoping to achieve from the short rocket mission? The space agency said it is hoping to garner more insight about the winds that rush through the upper atmosphere jet stream about 60 to 65 miles above Earth's surface. Another aim of the experiment is to help explain how the effects of atmospheric disturbances in one part of the globe can be transported to other parts of the globe in just a day or two.

Here we have an example of chemtrails actually being used and nobody can deny now that chemtrails exist and that they are used. Sure in this case it seems like a harmless experiment to test wind patterns, but the fact remains they do exist and can be utilized in many ways. This is an example of conditioning us to think these are used for some harmless testing, so let's consider some other uses:

Weather Modification - Humans have had the ability to physically affect the weather since learning how to seed clouds in 1946. The popular conception of weather manipulation is limited to cloud seeding, but the possibility that the extents of our abilities may have progressed in the meantime is definitely plausible. The fact that the military is very interested in weather control is no secret and many propose that the Chemtrail Phenomena is a part of this.

Population Control - The use of chemical and biological agents by a government against it's own people is, unfortunately, a historical fact. Even unintentional accidents can occur. But, some people suggest that Chemtrails could actually be part of a program to reduce the population and many feel Chemtrails have caused them to become ill and perhaps they are right. 

In this story I get the feeling that Nasa is up to much more than what we are being told on the surface. Are they gearing up for more chemtrail and spraying experiments? Their sure is a lot of mystery behind chemtrails and you have to ask yourself why couldn't they be used? Is it so out of the question that chemicals can be sprayed into the atmosphere? We already know from this story that surely they are being used. Next time on a sunny day look up at the sky throughout the day and see if you can observe chemtrails and if you see any patterns or weather changes to follow.

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