Friday, November 30, 2012

Retinal Implants Today on Mind Set Daily!

Greetings this is Mind Set Daily for Thursday, November 29 - 2012
Researchers at Second Sight, the company that created the Argus II, have altered the device for use in a novel and potentially significant way. As they report in an article published this week in Frontiers in Neuroprosthetics, they’ve connected the implant to a computer that produces digital braille patterns, allowing them to directly stream braille onto a blind patient’s retina. 

The continued development and miniaturization of optical and computer technology has allowed engineers to create devices like the Argus II: a retinal prosthesis that uses a small camera, a computer and a series of electrodes surgically implanted on a blind person’s retina to convert the world around them into electronic impulses that enter the brain.

This kind of application of a retinal implant could revolutionize reading for the blind and visually impaired. Just as traditional tactile braille opened up an entire world of written text to blind people in the early 1900s, storing books as digital braille for retinal implants could do the same for text in the 21st century.
As the technology is improved and refined, it could become cheaper and give everyday access to visual text and so much more to those without vision. Retina and bionic eye implants will aide those with disabilities when it comes to eye sight but hese kinds of technologies are always accepted by the general public as a “benefit”. When you realize this you’ll “see” that we are edging closer to a bionic society and it doesn’t begin or end with eyesight, just think about it…

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Killer Robots on Today's Mind Set Daily!

Greetings this is Mind Set Daily for Tuesday, November 20 - 2012
Hollywood-style robots able to shoot people without permission from their human handlers are a real possibility. The Humans Right Watch Group said in a report Nov. 19 that these robots must be banned before governments start deploying them.

The report “Losing Humanity” — co-produced by Harvard Law School’s International Human Rights Clinic — also raises the alarm over the ethics of the looming technology. Calling them “killer robots,” it urges “an international treaty that would absolutely prohibit the development, production, and use of fully autonomous weapons.

The problem with handing over decision-making power to even the most sophisticated robots is that there would be no clear way of making anyone answer for the mistakes. If a robot goes wrong, who’s accountable? It certainly won’t be the robot. The robot could take a bullet in its computer and go berserk. So there’s no way of really determining who’s accountable, and that’s very important for the laws of war, just think about it…

Listen to this episode here!

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Star Wars or Star Peace? on Today's Mind Set Daily!

Greeting this is Mind Set Daily for Thursday, November 15 - 2012
35 years after George Lucas’s Star Wars was released, there is a greater possibility of a space battle outside the realm of Hollywood. Space has become a central part of the military and defense policies in many of the world’s biggest countries.

Wars of the future are expected to involve a lot of orbiters to ensure a country’s security: satellite reconnaissance, warning, forecasting and targeting systems – objects which themselves will need to be defended and armed. So it is only a matter of time before orbital systems are developed that will be able to independently hit targets in space, in the atmosphere or on the Earth itself.

In space is one of the few areas where there are no borders. Introducing arms to space, will it upset the balance in the world? It would seem that Harrison Ford, who played Han Solo, one of the most important characters in the Star Wars films, was right when he said that the main secret of the film’s success was that it was “not about space, but about people; this is primarily a film about human relationships.”

It is up to us humans to decide whether space shall remain as a peaceful realm or whether it will become another arena for military conflict, just think about it…

Listen and find out more about this story here!

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Introspectives: To vote or not to vote?

To vote or not to vote that is the question... Sure as a citizen of the United States it's my right to vote but is it my obligation? What if I question the very foundation and system that I am voting into? How I am then making a difference if I am simply voting for something that will never change regardless? These are questions that I face and are hard to ignore. Just to vote to vote because it's my "civic" duty doesn't seem right. I really don't like how I am faced with the decision to decide between two parties. Sure their are other parties you can cast your vote for but voting say, "independent" would be a wasted vote because the likelihood of them getting the majority of votes is extremely low. What I hear from people is if you vote third party you are giving away or wasting your vote since the two major parties will only get real consideration anyway. This also bothers me because then I feel like I am forced to use my vote for a candidate I don't support just because I have to vote for the "lesser of two evils". Am I being Illogical here? I believe in democracy and that it should be for the people by the people. But from my observations in this political process of America it seems to be for the corporations and lobbyists not for the "people". I shouldn't have to be faced with this dilemma as an American, it should be an honest and direct process. But it seems the political lines have been blurred.

If you don't vote you'll often hear the phrase, "You can't have an opinion then if you don't participate in voting." I am American born citizen I have every right to voice my opinions about this country, it doesn't come down to just voting as to if you have a say in things I feel. Voting is a right and a freedom, not a law. I work and pay taxes which is pretty much investing into our government if you think about it doesn't that give me any say at least?

Monday, November 5, 2012

"Brain Implants" on Today's Mind Set Daily!

Greetings! This is Mind Set Daily for Monday, November 5th - 2012
Are you ready to have a microchip implanted into your brain?  That might not sound very appealing to you at this point, but this is exactly what the big pharmaceutical companies and the big technology companies have planned for our future.  They are pumping millions of dollars into researching "cutting edge" technologies that will enable implantable microchips to greatly "enhance" our health and our lives. Initially, brain implants will be marketed as "revolutionary breakthroughs" that can cure chronic diseases and that can enable the disabled to live normal lives. Just imagine the hype that will surround these implants when people discover that you can get rid of your extra weight in a matter of days or that you can download an entire college course into your memory in just a matter of hours.  The possibilities for this kind of technology are endless, and it is just a matter of time before having microchips implanted into your brain is considered to be quite common.  What was once science fiction is rapidly becoming reality, and it is going to change the world forever.

The pharmaceutical companies of the future will include a "bioelectronics" business that "treats disease through electrical signalling in the brain and elsewhere." Diseases such as diabetes and epilepsy and conditions such as obesity and depression will be will be treated "through electronic implants into the brain rather than pills or injections." These implants will send electrical signals to cells and organs that are "malfunctioning".  People will be totally "cured" without ever having to pop a pill or go under the knife.

If a brain implant could cure a disease that you have been suffering from your whole life would you take it? A lot of people are going to be faced with that kind of a decision in future years.

This kind of technology is advancing very rapidly.  In fact, some researchers have already had success treating certain diseases by implanting microchips into the brains of rats. But is it really safe to have a device implanted into your head that can "talk" directly to your brain? For example, Intel is working on sensors that will be implanted in the brain that will be able to directly control computers and cell phones. Even now, some video game makers are developing headsets that allow users to play games using their brain waves rather than a joystick or a control pad. Other companies want to make it possible to directly connect your brain to the Internet.

The possibilities are endless. But so is the potential for abuse. Implantable microchips that can "talk" directly to the brain would give a tyrannical government the ultimate form of control. If you could download thoughts and feelings directly into the brains of your citizens, you could achieve total control and never have to worry that they would turn on you. In fact, you could potentially program these chips to make your citizens feel good all the time.  You could have these chips produce a "natural high" that never ends.  That would make your citizens incredibly dependent on the chips and they would never want to give them up.

This kind of technology has the potential to be one of the greatest threats to liberty and freedom in the history of mankind. At first these implantable microchips will be sold to us as one of the greatest "breakthroughs" ever, but in the end they could end up totally enslaving us. Just think about it...

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