Thursday, November 15, 2012

Star Wars or Star Peace? on Today's Mind Set Daily!

Greeting this is Mind Set Daily for Thursday, November 15 - 2012
35 years after George Lucas’s Star Wars was released, there is a greater possibility of a space battle outside the realm of Hollywood. Space has become a central part of the military and defense policies in many of the world’s biggest countries.

Wars of the future are expected to involve a lot of orbiters to ensure a country’s security: satellite reconnaissance, warning, forecasting and targeting systems – objects which themselves will need to be defended and armed. So it is only a matter of time before orbital systems are developed that will be able to independently hit targets in space, in the atmosphere or on the Earth itself.

In space is one of the few areas where there are no borders. Introducing arms to space, will it upset the balance in the world? It would seem that Harrison Ford, who played Han Solo, one of the most important characters in the Star Wars films, was right when he said that the main secret of the film’s success was that it was “not about space, but about people; this is primarily a film about human relationships.”

It is up to us humans to decide whether space shall remain as a peaceful realm or whether it will become another arena for military conflict, just think about it…

Listen and find out more about this story here!

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